
Mr FoskettHeadteacher
Welcome to the 13th Issue of The Wilnecote Warbler
After the longest Winter term I have experienced, this half term has positively flown by.
It was a real privilege to watch our school show “Matilda” this week. I could not be more proud of our extremely talented students who made this a performance to remember. Both nights were sold out and our local Primary schools were treated to an additional two shows in the school day. I am very grateful to our very dedicated staff who gave up so much time to coordinate such brilliant performances. Please look out for snippets of the show on our social media profiles.
Towards the end of this half term, we also held our twelve-hour challenge for our Duke of Edinburgh Bronze group which was supported by our silver group. The challenge started at 8pm and the students remained up and active all night completing all manner of challenges including raft building in the swimming pool in the early hours. A “raising aspirations” trip also went to Oxford University and a GCSE Drama group went to see Stephen Berkoff’s Metamorphosis at the Coventry Belgrade Theatre.
At the start of this half term, we held a mock exam results day for our Year 11, where students experienced arriving at school to receive the results of their Pre public exams sat at the end of the previous term. This was followed with information and advice around next steps and target setting. We also held a well-attended Key stage 4 options evening for year 9 parents and students, where we launched our new Key stage 4 curriculum. Our Year 9 students have now made their option choices which starts the process of organising the shape of their year 10 curriculum and the start of their GCSE and vocational pathways.
I hope you enjoy this edition of The Wilnecote Warbler and have an enjoyable half term.
We return to school on Monday 19th February ready for period 1 at 8:30am
Mr Foskett

12 Year 11 students visited Oxford University for the day, as part of the University’s outreach programme to raise aspirations and encourage applications from state schools.

30 year 7s took part in bikeability level 3 and bikeability fix. The students cycled around the local area learning more about how to cycle safely on the roads and learnt how to fix the common bicycle problems that occur.

Welcome to Wilnecote Mr Williams

On Wednesday 24th January Year 10 and 11 GCSE Drama students went to Coventry Belgrade Theatre to see Frantic Assembly’s take on Stephen Berkoff’s Metamorphosis.

Proud & Ambitious
As the students arrived back to school for 8pm, there was a real sense of anticipation in the air. Although they knew the next 12 hours would be a challenge, they didn’t have a clue how their resilience would be tested to the limit.
The Wilnecote School App
Over the next half term you will recive an invitation to join our new school app.
We are pleased to introduce this exciting new system that will be replacing our current communications system (ParentMail).
The Wilnecote School App will become your one stop place for everything Wilnecote.

Matilda - Cast of 2024
Ambitious. Proud
Well done to the cast of 2024. Matilda was a huge success and enjoyed by all!
We will relive some of the great memories in our next issue of the Warbler out in March.

Onsite Car Permit
Please can I ask all parents who drop and collect their children off by car to do so outside of the school perimeter and not drive onto site. The start and end of the day is extremely busy with nearly a thousand young people leaving the site. Such numbers require all of the available space, including the driveways and we wish to keep our young people safe as they arrive and leave. If you require special consideration to enter the site in your car because of either a temporary or more permanent access arrangement, then please contact the school for an “Onsite Car Permit” which should be displayed on entry and exit www.thewilnecoteschool.com/contact. By limiting traffic entering site at these times, we will make entering and exiting the site safer for our students.

Your Child's Learning Journey
Art & Photography
Welcome to your childs learning journey. We believe you as parents/carers should have full access to understand what your child is learning at The Wilnecote School across all the years, from Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) right through to their Key Stage 4 GCSEs in years 10 & 11.