As the students arrived back to school for 8pm, there was a real sense of anticipation in the air. Although they knew the next 12 hours would be a challenge, they didn’t have a clue how their resilience would be tested to the limit.
Groups were organised, bases for the night allocated and all students then gathered in the Sports Hall for the first challenge… “Spaghetti and Marshmallow Towers”. Trial and error seemed to be the tactic for some groups, others were more logical in approach and used their maths knowledge to create some very interestingly shaped “towers”. Staff observed groups in discussion, agreement and disagreement, about the best way to be successful. General feedback was based around the need to work as a team, listening to each other and considering others’ opinions. A great first challenge with varying levels of success… the 12 hour challenge was underway!!
Groups were put through their paces and challenged in blind folded tent pitching, Lego memory and the Tower of Hanoi, further testing a variety of skills with Mr McDonald, Miss Tongue and Mrs Ager carefully watching the group dynamics throughout the tasks.
The Dreaded Leaky Pipe, Raft Building, Egg Drop Eggtreme, Glow in the Dark Bowling, Marble Run, Stacking Cups Races and many more challenges faced the students through the early hours of the morning with very little time to rest/relax. Miss Dickins and Mr Savage keepings a close eye on the team dynamics throughout the challenges (some staff keeping drier than others!!) This was a real test for the students as they became increasingly tired, replicating those feelings they will experience on Expedition in the Summer term.
As the sun came up early on Saturday morning, the group headed outside to what can only be described as a dull sunrise. The chilly morning air really woke the group up and set us up for the last half an hour.
With the end in sight and tiredness really kicking in, and the groups really starting to work well as teams, the balloon pop darts challenge and paper aeroplanes run brought out the competitive nature of so many of our students.
Minutes before 8am, Mr Croydon summed up the previous 12 hours. A time for reflection and a big sense of achievement. A challenge like no other. 
Well done to all students involved and a huge thank you to the staff.
Next up… the Expeditions!!