
Mr FoskettHeadteacher
Welcome to the 14th Issue of The Wilnecote Warbler
The two half terms after Christmas have been noticeably shorter but once again jam packed full of events and enrichment to our school day. Our students continue to make me proud in their conduct, their determination to learn and to be that little bit better each day. During my first two terms at The Wilnecote School I have gotten to meet many of our students and know them to be respectful and kind.
The term has been filled with notable successes. We have been delighted with the attitude of our Year 10 students who have worked diligently in completing their Year 10 exams. They have responded to the challenge of these two examination weeks, and we look forward to sharing their results with them after the Easter holidays.
Year 11 have been busy this half term with the completion of their Geography field work trip. I have been really pleased with the commitment shown in their attendance to our first ever “sprint finish grade booster sessions”. Those that have attended all their sessions received free chicken and chips on the last day of term. The support continues into the Easter holidays with staff volunteering to give up time in the first week of the break to further support them. We ask that parents of those invited to these sessions support by ensuring their child attends. In some cases, this provides the very last opportunity to enhance coursework before it is sent off to the exam board.
This term we held our annual careers fair and as last year, many local, regional and national organisations were in attendance. All our students were able to access this event and find out more about university, apprenticeships and employment. I hope this has ignited the flame of ambition in our students as they start to widen their horizons. I was very proud to hear from all our exhibitors how much they enjoyed speaking to our students. They all consistently mentioned the excellent attitude and conduct of our students during this event.
I wish you all an enjoyable Easter and look forward to welcoming our students back to the summer term on Monday 8th April 2024.
Mr Foskett

Proud & Ambitious
The Wilnecote School theatre erupted in applause for two fantastic nights in February as they presented their show-stopping production of Matilda JR.!

Proud & Ambitious
Maths Challenge 2024
Wilnecote School students are celebrating an impressive performance in the Intermediate Mathematical Challenge (IMC), a prestigious national mathematics competition.

Proud & Ambitious
Geography Filed Trip 2024
On the 4th and 5th March, Year 11 had the fantastic opportunity to do their GCSE fieldwork studies in preparation for their upcoming Geography exams.

Careers Fair 2024
Students had the chance to explore their career options at the school’s 2nd annual Careers Fair, held on the 13th of March 2024.

Silent Disco 2024
Over 370 students grooved to the beat on the last Wednesday of term at a special silent disco reward event! This high-energy celebration was for students with good attendance (over 94% since January) and good behaviour.

School App
We are pleased to announce that our new school app has successfully launched and that the uptake has been amazing.
If you have not yet done so, please download the app from your app store and sign up with the access code sent to your email address.
In our Tutor class in Room 60 we have been thinking about how we can start to love reading; we came up with an idea, called The Great bookmark Competition. Our students were each given a wooden bookmark, complete with Tassel! And told to decorate it in any way but still able to be able to fit in a book.
It proved to be well accepted, and the grand prize winner was Jake O who has a five pound voucher to spend in the canteen

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Please click the link below and visit out channel. Please click the subscribe button and click the notification bell tobe kept informed of when we upload a new video.
Mr Hyden the New Head of Year 7

Mr HydenHead of Year 7
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Hello, I have been at The Wilnecote School 10 years and many of you know me as Head of Music, however I have now also been appointed as Head of Year 7. Like many staff I have had the pleasure of being a Form Tutor throughout my time at the school including being lucky enough to have my own Year 7 Tutor Group since September. I have taught and will continue to teach many students within the year group and so already have a good knowledge of the students who are due to be within my immediate care. I am really looking forward to getting to know all the cohort and alongside tutors and pastoral staff, help lead their journey through life at Wilnecote for the next five years.
Over the coming weeks I will make it my priority to ensure that I am up to speed with any issues of concern that are currently on going through working alongside not only our amazing team of Form Tutors but also Miss Dodwell who remains our Pastoral Lead. Miss Dodwell is extremely experienced in pastoral care and is well known amongst students and parents alike. We are extremely lucky to have her working with the year group, she remains on hand to support you with any issues or problems you may be facing during the school day and at times where I may be teaching and cannot respond immediately.
As a Year Group we are also very lucky to have a strong team of tutors who will have made themselves known to you since September. The form tutor is the one member of staff students get to see every day and is that vital link between home and school, they will continue to be the first point of contact for parents and carers.
Our team of Year 7 Form Tutors are now:
Mr Doyle, Mr Faulds, Mrs Whiffin, Mrs Hill, Mrs Downman, Miss Ikhlaq, Mrs Turner (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Kostova (Thu-Fri).
If you would like the chance to speak with your Childs form tutor, please feel free to contact the school via the main school website and your query will be passed on to the relevant member of staff. If you require further support from Miss Dodwell or myself, we will arrange to speak with you at the earliest opportunity.
At The Wilnecote School, we place emphasis on good behaviour and character. Year 7s have to learn to take more responsibility for themselves with their homework and behaviour than they might be used to. Excellent learning is underpinned by excellent behaviour. We expect our students to show respect when interacting with other members of our school community and to uphold the reputation of the school in the local area. Getting into good habits, and being accountable for their actions, is something our students will be working hard to develop, and we very much appreciate support from parents with this at home. My focus will be maintaining standards in behaviour, attendance and progress as well as supporting the Year 7 team in establishing strong routines and relationships.
It’s my pleasure to be embarking on this journey with you all and helping to support your child at The Wilnecote School.
I look forward to speaking to and meeting you soon.
Onsite Car Permit
Please can we ask all parents who drop and collect their children off by car to do so outside of the school perimeter and not drive onto site. The start and end of the day is extremely busy with nearly a thousand young people leaving the site. Such numbers require all of the available space, including the driveways and we wish to keep our young people safe as they arrive and leave. If you require special consideration to enter the site in your car because of either a temporary or more permanent access arrangement, then please contact the school for an “Onsite Car Permit” which should be displayed on entry and exit www.thewilnecoteschool.com/contact. By limiting traffic entering site at these times, we will make entering and exiting the site safer for our students.

World Book Day
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World Book Day turned into World Book Week at The Wilnecote School. Tutor groups were challenged to create a door representing the author they were randomly given. It has been amazing to see the creations each tutor group came up with and picking a winner will not be an easy task!
Alongside this, students were tasked to create book characters out of spoons. We were absolutely blown away by the response and all entries are now on display in The Wilnecote Library for all to view.
Read more about World Book Day (or we should say week) and literacy at the Wilnecote School in the next issue of the Wilnecote Warbler.