
Mr FoskettHeadteacher
Welcome to the 12th Issue of The Wilnecote Warbler
I have really enjoyed my first term at the Wilnecote school. It has been fantastic getting to know the students, staff, parents and carers that make up this school community. As you will see from this Christmas edition of the Wilnecote Warbler, it has been a busy term with lots of events and celebrations.
Well done to our year 11’s who no doubt will be looking forward to the Christmas holidays after two weeks of mock exams. We are all very proud of their preparation and how they conducted themselves during these important assessments. These papers will provide a launching point for the final run into their summer exams.
The Warbler is a great way to celebrate our students’ success and the hard work they put in to every opportunity given to them. I hope you enjoy this edition as much as I have.
Have a fantastic Christmas and we can’t wait to continue your child’s education journey when they return to school on Tuesday 9th January.
Mr Foskett

On Thursday, November 23rd, The Wilnecote School proudly hosted its annual Awards Evening, a momentous occasion to recognise and applaud the outstanding achievements of its students throughout the preceding academic year.

On Thursday 9th November, a group of Year 10 and Year 11 German students, accompanied by Mrs. Whiffin, took part in the Goethe Institute German careers roadshow.

On Tuesday 19th December the Performing Arts department held its Annual Christmas Concert.
The concert not only showcased the amazing performance talents of students from across the years but also enhanced technique and confidence for those studying music at GCSE. It also gave parents, visitors and staff a chance to get into the festive spirit by joining in with popular songs and carols whist indulging in Mince Pies and Hot Chocolate.

Proud & Kind
On Friday 17th November The Wilnecote School celebrated Children in Need with a variety of activities. In the weeks leading up to the event students were able to purchase Pudsey merchandise via ParentPay. This sold really well and it was great to see students proudly wearing their Pudsey ears, badges and wristbands when the day arrived.

Congratulations to our Year 7 Boys who won the Tamworth District 7-Aside Cup.
Alongside the District 7-aside tournaments, our year 7-10 boys have been taking part in the Staffordshire County Cup

Proud & Ambitious
As part of the year 7 German curriculum this year, students learned about a special day of celebration in Germany. On the 3rd October Germans celebrate the Tag der Deutschen Einheit, commemorating the 3rd October 1990 when Germany once again became a unified country.
Matilda - The Musical
Rehearsals for our school production of Matilda Jnr are well under way and we are very excited to be working with our wonderful cast.
Students have been learning their scripts and as well as attending rehearsals students have been learning song lyrics. This years cast includes students from years 7 to 11 and being in the school production is a great way for students to make new friends and meet people from other year groups.
Matilda Jnr is an unusual show because it doesn’t have many main roles. However, the ensemble play a pivotal role in the show, they are so important and will have a lot to do. It is an exciting time for everyone involved in the show and we can’t wait to see how rehearsals progress.

Send Christmas Celebrations
This week in the SEND department we celebrated Christmas in style!
We started on Tuesday with a Christmas lunch and each day at break and lunch we have had Christmas activities. Wednesday we had our rewards activities day this included sewing , making decorations and Christmas projectors.
All students had a fabulous time with one student commenting ” This has been the best Christmas ever!”

The Wilnecote school were lucky enough to be chosen for a fresh delivery of rope grown Mussels. The mussels were donated by Off Shore Shellfish and this was made possible by the Fish heroes programme for the Food Teachers centre group.

Respectful & Kind
On Friday 15th December, The Wilnecote School held its 5th annual Food Bank Drive in support of Tamworth Food Bank. This year, we did things a little bit differently, asking our students to wear their Christmas jumpers and, if possible, make a small donation to this essential cause.
Rememberance Day 2023
Despite Remembrance Day falling on a Saturday, students at The Wilnecote School still wanted to pay their respects.
In Design and Technology, students have been impressively sewing poppies and selling them to make money for the poppy appeal.
On our Social media channels, Evie produced some amazing vocals in her rendition of Dame Vera Lynn’s We’ll Meet Again, alongside Harry and Lauren, who recited the poem In Flanders Fields.
Kenya Christmas Fund Raising
Kind & Proud
Fundraising for Kenya 2025 is well underway and students have spent their evenings helping Santa with his sleigh. With plenty of miles covered and extra evenings added as they were last minute emergency cover to help out when Santa had been let down by his helpers, the students are well on their way to raising the funds to make their Kenya 2025 trip a reality.
I.C.T Christmas Art
Well done to Josh W in Year 8 who created this wonderful Excel Christmas Art