
The Wilnecote School Year 7 girls Sportshall Athletics team represented Tamworth in the Staffordshire County Finals with great pride as they made their way through a series of athletics events in the warmth of the sports hall at Fenton Manor Sports Hall Complex in Stoke. When everyone else is going home after a to develop their techniques to achieve their best performance for the event. The team just missed the podium getting 4th spot by a few points but, no matter the place the girls came, they should be immensely proud of what they have achieved.

The year 7 girls represented our school values incredibly, but they couldn’t have done it without the kind support of the year 9 boys, Kevin, Oscar, Ryan, Alex, and Scott, who have been leading different sections of the girls’ training sessions as part of their Duke of Edinburgh award. This was to help the girls master each event and help them establish who would be competing in each competition.

We spoke to Mr Hyden, who is Head of Year 7 and he proudly exclaimed:

“It was an amazing achievement by the girls who took part in the County sportshall Athletics finals. The girls showed determination, amazing teamwork and great skill. I am so proud of them”.

We also interviewed one of the team members (Adelina) about her experience and her highlights:
Are you proud of your team for getting 4th out of 10?

“Of course I am! We worked so hard to this spot, and we are all extremely proud of each other for achieving 4th. We’ve been practicing for what feels like forever!“

How did you prepare for the competition?

“I practiced running as much as possible and tried to stay positive about the event. I also tried to push my boundaries with how far I could run as I really wanted to do well”.

I heard your relay was very eventful, what happened?

ok so the relay was the last race and during my 2nd lap (out of 4) I think I got too quick for my legs to keep up my feet and I sort of collapsed but I got up extremely quick and I nearly did the same thing again but I managed to catch myself and to continue the race.( we came 3rd in that race)

Ok 4th place is good, but what’s your goal for next time?

“To try and get on the podium! (ha-ha). And try to do some more running and try to control my stamina. But overall, I think I did a decent job!”

So after all the training and hard work, was this an enjoyable experience as a whole?

“Yes definitely! I really enjoyed it and hope to do it again next year. But I’m just so proud of our team as we all had our ups and downs and despite that we still kept on going which was amazing. But yes, I really enjoyed it!”

Do you think the year 9 boys helped the team?

“Yes, absolutely! I think it really helped us understand how to improve our skills in various events. The boys are experienced themselves because they represented our school in the county finals previously and they also made practice a bit more fun!”

Have you got any tips for people if they will be in the athletics competition?

“To be honest, just try your best, you can be capable of anything. And if you do mess up at anything, (like me) it’s fine, we’re all humans and we make mistakes, Just keep going, you will be fine”