Within Student support our aim is to enable our students to succeed with the appropriate guidance across all key stages. We provide interventions and targeted support for students with a range of complex needs i.e physical, educational, social and behavioural issues and pupils where English is not their first language.

Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

The Government now requires all Local Authorities in the UK to publish, in one place, information about services and provision they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from 0 to 25 who have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND). This is known as the Local Offer.

We place responsibility for effective teaching and learning of all our students, including SEND, firmly with the classroom teacher, reflecting the principle that SEND is a whole school issue.  To enable us to provide sufficient support to class teachers in the delivery of high quality teaching the Student Support Department is staffed by:



Admin Assistant

Academic Mentor

Literacy/Numeracy Support Officer

Student Support Assistants.


The Wilnecote School aims to meet the needs of all students. We currently work with students with a wide variety of needs including those from the four broad areas of need:
  • Cognition and Learning;
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health;
  • Communication and Interaction;
  • Sensory and/or Physical.


Support on offer:


Teaching Assistant in class support (for specific pupils);

1:1 withdrawal (Basic literacy. Basic numeracy. Speech and language.);

ASC/General/Emotional mentoring (named person allocated to a specific pupil);

One page Pupil profiles;

Annual Reviews;

Risk Assessment;

SEN Training – New Staff;


Dyslexia Screening;

Testing for Access Arrangements (exam concessions);


Outside Agencies / Specialist Provision:


We work with a number of outside agencies and specialists to ensure we deliver the highest quality provision.

Outside Agencies:

EIS (Early Intervention Service);

Integrated Disability Service (Hearing Impaired);

Autism Outreach Resource (ASC);

Physiotherapy Services (Physical Disabilities);

Educational Psychology Service;

CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services);

CAF (Common Assessment Framework);

Community nurse;

Specialist nurse;

ECOS (Education of Children Out of School).


At the Wilnecote School we adhere to the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle, details of which are below:


Pupil assessment is on-going and vital in the support and development of our students, informing practise and provision. All assessments can be used as an initial referral to the Student Support team, which also liaises closely with all subject areas to ensure provision is adequate and students’ needs are being met.  We are available for parents to meet with us regarding their concerns and to discuss provision.


Where an SEN has been diagnosed we will contact parents and invite them, in consultation with the pupil and subject teacher/s, to plan the proposed support and interventions.  These interventions will then be monitored to assess their impact against agreed outcomes.


Class teachers will be responsible for implementing (with the backing of the Student Support Department) the necessary interventions.  The SENCo, Inclusion Manager and the team will work alongside teachers and departments to offer advice and guidance.


The Student Support Department, in conjunction with the class teacher, will assess the effectiveness of the support and interventions.  Support will then be revised to meet the on-going needs of the pupil.  If the evidence provided shows the pupil is not making sufficient progress, specialist intervention will then be sought.



Who should I contact if I’m concerned that my child has additional needs?

The school office (01827-where you will be put through to our Student Support Department.

How does the school know my child needs extra help?

Through the use of tracking data, staff concerns and where progress is below expectations.

What can you offer to support my child?

We will endeavour to find an intervention which will meet your child’s needs from the wide range of support options we have available.  We will always work closely with you and your child to find an appropriate and proportionate response their needs.

How will I know the support is effective?

We review each child’s progress with them on a rota basis.  Additionally, we monitor the impact of all intervention and support and will send that information to you to when they are reviewed.

Is the school accessible to students with physical disabilities?

Yes.  We have wheelchair access to all of our buildings and lifts are available for students with physical difficulties.

Our focus areas are, Communication and interaction, Cognition and learning, Social, emotional and mental health and Sensory and physical.

SEND Policy