ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS 2025/26ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS 2024/25ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS 2023/24Administration of MedicinesAttendance and Punctuality PolicyAccessibility PlanBehaviour and Discipline PolicyCAT Complaints PolicyComplaints Policy Apendix 1CAT PoliciesCAT Whistleblowing PolicyCEIAG PolicyCharges and RemissionsChild-on-child Abuse PolicyChild Protection & SafeguardingChild Protection & Safeguarding Appendix 11Colective Worship (Paper copy Available)Covid Catch-up FundEducational VisitsEquality StatementExclusion PolicyFirst AidGDPRHealth and SafetyLiteracy StrategyLooked After Children and Children Previously Looked After PolicyOnline SafetyPhysical Intervention and Restraint PolicyProvider AccessPupil PremiumRelationship & Sex Education PolicyRemote EducationSearch,Screening & ConfiscationSEND PolicySEND Information ReportStaffordshire Local Offer
* Annex to the CAT Complaints Policy
The Wilnecote School adheres to the Community Academies Trust Complaints Policy, which can be found here (with a link). If you wish to make a complaint, our procedures are listed in Annex 2 of the policy. The school contact details to make a complaint are below:
Contact: Sian Hartle (Headteacher), Telephone: 01827 831300, Email:
Address: The Wilnecote School, Tinkers Green Road, Wilnecote, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B77 5LF
CAT Complaints Policy