At The Wilnecote School, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality pastoral care, guidance and support to all students in our community. As such, we strive to develop and nurture strong relationships with all families and any external agencies. Our Pastoral team are very experienced and are provided with regular training and development, including any statutory updates in relation to safeguarding and attendance.
The pastoral team are responsible for (this is not an exhaustive list):
- Standards (maintaining the very highest standards of uniform and equipment)
- Behaviour, relationships and consequences
- Attendance and punctuality (including late to school)
- First aid
- Support and guidance
- Liaise with external agencies
- Assemblies and tutor time oversight
We also provide a ‘Student Services’ area where students are able to see a member of Pastoral team for support should it be required. Other reasons to use this service would be:
- Uniform issues
- Notes from parents/medical appointments
- Report signing
- Dinner money issues
- Lates
- General help and support
Ideally, this should only be accessed before school, at break, at lunchtime and at the end of the day (unless it is an emergency).
The following information provides you with an overview of our Pastoral care provision:
The Wilnecote Tutor System
Key Staff
Year Group Staff

Tutor periods and co-curricular provision
Each year group follows a programme of activities in tutor time. The overview can be seen below. On occasion, when there is a major event which occurs regionally, nationally or Internationally, it may be appropriate to suspend this timetable to respond and discuss something which has effected society, either a celebration or sometimes to help provide support with more difficult events.