At The Wilnecote School, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality pastoral care, guidance and support to all students in our community. As such, we strive to develop and nurture strong relationships with all families and any external agencies. Our Pastoral team are very experienced and are provided with regular training and development, including any statutory updates in relation to safeguarding and attendance.

The pastoral team are responsible for (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Standards (maintaining the very highest standards of uniform and equipment)
  • Behaviour, relationships and consequences
  • Attendance and punctuality (including late to school)
  • First aid
  • Support and guidance
  • Liaise with external agencies
  • Assemblies and tutor time oversight

We also provide a ‘Student Services’ area where students are able to see a member of Pastoral team for support should it be required. Other reasons to use this service would be:

  • Uniform issues
  • Notes from parents/medical appointments
  • Report signing
  • Dinner money issues
  • Lates
  • General help and support

Ideally, this should only be accessed before school, at break, at lunchtime and at the end of the day (unless it is an emergency).

The following information provides you with an overview of our Pastoral care provision:

The Wilnecote Tutor System

Once a student is given a place here at The Wilnecote School, they are placed in to a tutor group with other students from the same year group. Each group has an assigned tutor who stays with that year group for all five years of their school life. 
Tutor groups have a daily 35 minute session with a range of activities including assemblies, PSHE and reading. The form tutor is the one member of staff they will get to see every day and will be the first point of contact for parents and carers. 
Each year group is supported and led by a Pastoral Year Leader who will also stay with the year group through to the end of year 11 and will help to reinforce the strong link between school and home.

Key Staff

Mr Thomas – Deputy Headteacher – Behaviour
Mrs Ager – Assistant Headteacher – Behaviour
Mr Simpson – Assistant Headteacher – Safeguarding & Attendance
Mr Herbert – Assistant Headteacher – Inclusion
Mr Brett – Senior Pastoral Operations Manager

Year Group Staff

Year 7       
Pastoral Year Leader – Mrs Jones
Head of Year – Miss Julius
SLT link – Mrs Ager
Tutors – Miss Dickins, Miss Tongue, Mr Farrell, Miss Whitehouse, Mrs Ferris, Mr King, Miss Johnson.
Year 8             
Pastoral Year Leader – Miss Dodwell
Head of Year – Mr Hyden
SLT link – Mr Simpson
Tutors – Mr Doyle, Mrs Whiffin, Mrs Hill, Mr Faulds, Mrs Dowman, Mrs Iklaq, Mrs Turner
Year 9             
Pastoral Year Leader – Miss Orton
SLT link – Mr Croydon
Tutors – Mrs Dove, Mrs Collier, Mr Meer, Mr Garland, Mr Beck, Miss Saeed, Miss, Tasheva 
Year 10 
Pastoral Year Leader – Mrs Luney
SLT link – Mr Williams
Tutors – Mr Mcdonald, Miss Batchu, Mrs Smith, Miss Baldwin, Mrs Mohan, Mrs Molineux, Mrs Sheard 
Year 11        
Pastoral Year Leader – Miss Shilling
SLT link – Mr Herbert
Tutors – Mrs Abbott, Mrs Clay, Mr Sewell, Miss Butler, Mr Ogelby, Mrs Drewitt 

Tutor periods and co-curricular provision

Each year group follows a programme of activities in tutor time. The overview can be seen below. On occasion, when there is a major event which occurs regionally, nationally or Internationally, it may be appropriate to suspend this timetable to respond and discuss something which has effected society, either a celebration or sometimes to help provide support with more difficult events.