The students at The Wilnecote School are empowered to achieve to a consistently outstanding level. We value and promote three main areas of achievement.
With our parents, The Wilnecote School shares the very highest academic expectations of our students. We are committed to ensuring our students achieve outstanding individual outcomes, which afford them the maximum opportunities in future phases of their lives and careers.
To achieve the very best outcomes for students we know we have to provide the very best curriculum. Both to ensure national requirements, which are a passport to future progression are met but also so that individual needs are realised. We are committed to a broad and balanced 21st Century curriculum, taught by specialist teachers with a passion for their subject, for teaching and for the future progression of the young people in their classroom. High quality first teaching makes the biggest difference to a student’s experience of school and their outcomes.
The Wilnecote School ensures that all students leave well-equipped for the next stage of their education, employment or training. Students go on to post-16 study at local institutions, including schools with selective sixth forms, access apprenticeships and take up employment offers with relative ease due to the quality of the advice and guidance they are given.
Nurturing Individual Talent:
Achievement of the very best outcomes for students is The Wilnecote School’s core business but we also recognise the chance we have as educators to broaden a student’s experience beyond the mainstream. Extra-curricular opportunities abound and we strive hard to provide complementary activities, trips and visits to enhance cultural literacy. A valuable commodity in the wider world. We are lucky to have excellent on-site facilities including a Leisure Centre and Public Library, resources which support our extra-curricular offer and our links with the wider community.
The Wilnecote School is a cohesive learning community and the way we behave towards one another is very important in maintaining its character.
We take behaviour seriously. Good behaviour, which facilitates effective learning is encouraged, rewarded and reinforced. There is a very transparent and universal behaviour policy which is consistently applied and allows students to work in a calm and purposeful environment.
Through form tutor support, daily assemblies, our PSHE programme and the wider curriculum, as well as through role-modelling from staff, we promote our safe community and the key messages of tolerance, understanding and respect, to ensure students have the space to develop personally as well as academically.
The government defines “fundamental British values” as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths.
Since 2014, teachers in English schools must promote these British values and their promotion is inspected by Ofsted.
How do we promote ‘British Values’ across the curriculum?
As part of our daily work we promote and a range of ‘British Values’ including:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and those without faiths
This is embedded through our main curriculum, our PSHE curriculum, Tutor lessons and assemblies which are underpinned by our ‘Wilnecote Values of the Month’. These values permeate through everything that we do and help our young people to become well-rounded members of both the school and wider community.