
On the 3rd of June 60 of the highest achieving year 7, 8’s and 9’s took part in an Epic Engineers workshop in partnership with HS2. This was dedicated to STEM learning and based around transport infrastructure.

The year groups were all mixed up and put into teams, they all worked incredibly well together on various design activities. The tasks were designed with a focus on problem solving design and teamwork as well as giving pupils the chance to communicate effectively with people they would not normally work with.

Each team was given and the task of designing ‘The station of the future’ with a focus on the environmental impact. Pupils were asked to consider using sustainable materials as well as thinking about how a train station of the future might be powered. Each group was then asked to present their ideas to 3 other teams explaining why they had made certain choices.

The final activity – which pupils seemed to enjoy the most- was to design and build a tunnel structure which could carry a weight of 800g. Teamwork, communication and aiming high were essential to achieve this. Each team were given the same equipment and the lightest tunnel design which could support the weight given won. There were some excellent designs and all teams thrived to be the best.

The day was a success and the presenter commented on how well behaved all pupils were, he was also impressed with their critical thinking and design ideas. Pupils came away positive and appreciative to have been given the opportunity to take part. We already have another day booked for the same time next year.