Rules of behaviour for the classroom

  • Wear the Wilnecote School Uniform correctly at all times.
  •  Be punctual to class and arrive fully-equipped so you can access learning in each lesson.
  •  Your teacher will be at the door to meet and greet you. When asked to enter the classroom, do so in an orderly manner and go to the place where your teacher chooses to seat you. This should not be challenged and the teacher may change their seating plan at any time, as they see fit.
  • Listen to the instructions given so the register is able to be taken accurately and learning begins promptly.
  • Put your planner and any other equipment needed on the desk and be ready to start work.
  • Listen in silence and pay attention to the ONE speaker in the class.
  • If you wish to speak, put your hand up and wait silently and patiently until asked to contribute.
  • Show consideration to all students and staff in your choice of both manner and words.
  • No loud talking, interrupting, teasing or name-calling.
  • Keep feet, hands and objects to yourself.
  • Take advantage of the opportunities you are given by working hard in every lesson and earn Value Points. If finding something difficult, persevere. Take pride in achieving something you initially found hard.
  • Stay on task and allow all others to do so, as they have a right to an education.
  • Follow instructions the first time you are asked and take control of your behaviour choices.
  • When asked to pack away, tidy up and place any rubbish in the bin, hand back any equipment you have been lent and then stand behind your chair making sure your uniform is appropriate. When dismissed, leave your work area as you would wish to find it and exit the room in an orderly fashion.
  • Mobile phones should be switched off before entering the school building at the beginning of the day and remain so until you leave the school building at the end of the day. No headphones of any type are to be worn during this time. If phones or headphones are seen or used during the school day, you will be asked to hand them to a member of staff. The only exception for this is if staff explicitly request their use in a lesson. If there is an emergency and you need to use a mobile phone, please speak with staff who will give permission if they deem it appropriate, or will work with you to find another solution.
  • Whilst we currently allow the wearing of Smart Watches, should they be used in place of a mobile phone, we reserve the right to respond to them in the same way we would to the use of a mobile phone.
  • No eating, including chewing/bubble gum and no drinking in lessons with the exception of water is allowed. Energy drinks and sweets are banned and will be disposed of accordingly.

Expectations in the corridors and around the school site

  • Wear the Wilnecote School uniform correctly at all times. If travelling to school with a coat, please take it off when you enter the building and when coming back in from break or lunch time.
  • Follow instructions from all adults to enable the school to run smoothly and everyone to be kept safe.
  • Walk around the building in an orderly fashion. Do not run or shout and always show consideration to others with who you share the school with.
  • Follow the one-way system between lessons and when moving at the start and end of break time.
  • No mobile phones or any type of headphones are to be seen or used for any reason during the day.
  • At break and lunchtime, please eat in the designated areas and ensure all of your rubbish goes into the bin to keep the school site a nice place for everyone. Queue sensibly and don’t push ahead of others into the line. No squirting of liquids or throwing of any items is permitted.
  • Show consideration to others by opening doors, letting people pass and being aware of students and adults across the school site. We all have a responsibility to create a positive environment.
  • Treat and speak to people respectfully and consider how your manner can say just as much as your words. Be polite and friendly to all, as your interactions can make or break another person’s day.
  • Be kind and treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. We all have the right to come to school and feel safe and happy, irrespective of our differences.
  • If you are unsure what to do in a situation, seek guidance from a member of staff.

Consequences System Guidance

Should YOUR behaviour choices lead you to receiving a ‘Consequence’:
  • Avoid making choices you know are against school expectations and will result in confrontation and possible sanctions. If you still choose to make such choices, do not get upset when challenged and accept responsibility for any decision that your choices have led a member of staff to make.
  • Follow the instructions you are given by the member(s) of staff – failure to do so will likely lead to increased sanctions.
  • Reflect on the choices you made that led you to receive a sanction and learn from what has happened by modifying your behaviour and making different choices in future lessons or situations.
  • Consider the impact your behaviour choices have on not only you but also on other students and adults in both your classes and on the school site. Everyone has the right to be able to learn in your classes and you have no right to stop this from happening. You also have a responsibility to ensure everyone is safe and happy. You are responsible for the behaviour choices you make.
  • Remember why you and others are at school – to take advantage of opportunities you are given to grow academically and socially, so to increase your opportunities when you leave us in the future.