The use of technology has enabled me to grow. It has not only added to my teaching practice but also to my career as well. 

Early Career Teachers (ECT)At The Wilnecote School

At The Wilnecote School, in partnership with the Community Academies Trust, we recognise the importance of supporting Early Career Teachers (ECTs) as part of our recruitment, retention, and talent development strategy. All ECTs employed for more than one term embark on a two-year induction programme within our Trust.

Dedicated Guidance:

  • Mentors: During this programme, each ECT receives dedicated support from a mentor who provides them with daily coaching and guidance.
  • Induction Tutors: Additionally, an induction tutor, a senior leader, ensures that the ECT receives their full entitlements and monitors their progress throughout the programme.

Structured Learning:

The core content of the two-year programme aligns with the Early Career Framework and is delivered by The Wilnecote School in partnership with Community Academies Trusts Teaching School Hub.

School-Specific Adaptation:

Beyond the core programme, individual schools within the trust tailor the experience further to provide a bespoke induction programme specific to their school environment and the unique needs of each ECT. On occasion, the Trust may arrange or facilitate additional support as required.

Focus on Engagement:

While the programme itself is not formally assessed, The Wilnecote School and the Community Academies Trust have clear expectations for engagement from all participants, including the ECTs, mentors, and induction tutors. These expectations are outlined in the Trust’s Early Career Teachers Policy.